World Kashmir Forum

Justice Now for Kashmir World kashmir forum Empowering Voices for Freedom in Kashmir 6th September 2024 His Excellency
Chaudhry Anwarul Haq
Prime Minister
Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Dr. Haji muhammad
Rafiq Pardesi
World Kashmir Forum
Neelum Valley (Keran), Azad Jammu and Kashmir World Kashmir Forum honoring the martyrs of SHUHADA-E-KASHMIR and our National Heroes.
Advocating for Human Rights and Dignity World kashmir forum Justice Now for Kashmir

World Kashmir Forum

Empowering the Kashmir Struggle through Advocacy, Unity, and Justice

The World Kashmir Forum (WKF) is a non-political, non-sectarian, and non-profit organization committed to raising the bar and voicing the ongoing freedom struggle in Kashmir. The forum aims to stop the perennial grip of violence on Kashmiris and expose the mandate set by India's unilateral assault on Kashmiri's identity and citizenship.

Our organization is administered by an independent Board of Governors and is led by a devoted group of individuals, advocates, scholars, philanthropists, and civil society activists. We share a common core set of values, keen on providing a strong voice for the consciousness of Kashmir, its sovereignty, integrity, and its citizens in all forms and manifestations regardless of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and physical abilities.

Our Leadership

The World Kashmir Forum is administered by an independent Board of Governors comprising devoted individuals, advocates, scholars, philanthropists, and civil society activists. This diverse group shares a common set of values and is deeply committed to providing a strong voice for Kashmir's sovereignty and integrity. We stand united in our efforts to support the people of Kashmir, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or physical abilities.

Haji Muhammad Rafiq Pardesi

Dr. Haji Muhammad Rafiq Pardesi

World Kashmir Forum

Anwar Mansoor

Justice (R) Anwar Mansoor Khan

Senior Vice Chairman
World Kashmir Forum

Rashid Alam

Shaikh rashid

General Secretary
World Kashmir Forum

Rafique Suleman


Secretary Finance
World Kashmir Forum

Ikram ul Majeed Sehgal

Ikram ul Majeed Sehgal

Member Governing Body
World Kashmir Forum

Kanwar Dilshad

Kanwar Dilshad

Member Governing Body
World Kashmir Forum

Zubair Ashrafi


Member Governing Body
World Kashmir Forum

Farooq Awan

Farooq Ishaq

Member Governing Body
World Kashmir Forum

Moments of Advocacy: Events and Gatherings

Dive into our gallery of events, capturing the essence of the World Kashmir Forum's initiatives. From impactful seminars to community gatherings, these images chronicle our journey in advocating for Kashmir's freedom and rights. Each event reflects our commitment to raising awareness, fostering dialogue, and uniting voices for the Kashmiri cause. Join us in celebrating these moments of solidarity and activism.

Dignitaries Signing the WKF Petition for Kashmir

WKF Team at University of Karachi for Public Petition on Kashmir

Seminar on Digital Strategy Framework - 2nd Sep 2020

International Kashmir Convention - 10 Nov 2020

Inaugural Press Conference - WKF

Yakjehti-e-Kashmir Rally - 5 Feb 2020

Azadi-e-Kashmir Rally 14 Aug 2020

Azadi-e-Kashmir Rally 5 Aug 2020

Kashmir Monument

A Monument of Unwavering Commitment, Sacrifice, and Unyielding hope.

The "Kashmir Monument," is a testament to the enduring spirit of the Pakistani people, built by the “World Kashmir Forum”, a non-profit civil society organization dedicated to the cause of Kashmir.

The monument is not just a solemn tribute to the past; it is a call to action, a clarion call to invest in the future of Kashmir - a future bright with promise, a future where the youth of Kashmir, empowered and free, could finally blossom.

The World Kashmir Forum, with the unwavering support of its board members and friends across Pakistan, had dedicated years and immeasurable resources to this endeavor. It is a journey marked by tireless effort, a testament to their collective will, a symbol of their unity.

A Message from the Chairman

Dr. Haji Muhammad Rafiq Pardesi

“At the World Kashmir Forum, our purpose is to stand as a beacon of hope and resilience for the people of Kashmir. We are dedicated to amplifying the voices of those silenced by oppression and to bringing global attention to the human rights abuses occurring in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Our commitment is to foster awareness, promote justice, and advocate for the fundamental rights of all Kashmiris.

We invite you to join us in this crucial endeavor. Whether through advocacy, support, or active participation, your involvement can make a significant difference. Together, we can work towards a future where the people of Kashmir can live with dignity, freedom, and peace. Become a part of our organization and help us echo the voices of those who strive for justice and liberty.”

Honored Dignitaries: Champions of the Kashmiri Cause

Explore our gallery showcasing esteemed dignitaries who have participated in the World Kashmir Forum's programs. This collection highlights the support and solidarity of prominent figures dedicated to advocating for Kashmir's freedom, integrity, and sovereignty. Their involvement underscores the global recognition of our mission and the collective efforts to raise awareness and drive change for the Kashmiri people.

His Excellency - Sardar Masood Khan

President Azad Jammu & Kashmir

Sheryar Khan Afridi

Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir

Lt. General (R) Naeem Khalid Lodhi

Minister of Defence & Defence Secretary of Pakistan

Uzma Gul

Chairperson- Jammu Kashmir Solidarity Movement & Pak Kashmir Women Alliance

Javed Hafeez

Former Ambassador of Pakistan Political Analyst & Columnist

Abdul Basit

Former High Commissioner of Pakistan to India

Demand for Protection from Torture and Human Rights Assessment

Petition Against Inhuman Curfew in IOK

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Digital Signatures


Physical Signatures

Voices of Solidarity: Dignitaries Signing for IOK Kashmir

We honor the influential voices who have stood in solidarity with the people of IOK Kashmir. Explore the heartfelt support from dignitaries around the world as they sign the petition initiated by the World Kashmir Forum, advocating for peace, justice, and the rights of the Kashmiri people.

The Reasons for Founding WKF

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Amplifying the Kashmiri Cause

Media Spotlight:

How You can Help

Discover the different ways you can get involved and support our mission. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, your contribution can make a difference.

World Kashmir Forum

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