World Kashmir Forum

Our Core Objective

Our Core Objectives

Eight million Kashmiris have been unlawfully put behind bars by India under the nose of the defenders of human rights and the relevant institutions that exist to defend human rights. The world must understand the perils that the Kashmir dispute poses to regional and global peace and stability. Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute and is on the UNSC agenda with outstanding resolutions. The World Kashmir Forum has been formed to serve this noble cause and work for a higher purpose – a purpose that involves up keeping human rights of the people in Occupied Kashmir, protecting their dignity, and safeguarding their right to self-determination. 

In this endeavor, we shall: 


Lay the foundation and the groundwork to launch several publications and literary functions, organize national, regional & global exhibitions, lectures, seminars, conventions, roadshows, and workshops, and produce telefilms, documentaries, periodical journals, special reports, books, and other audio-visual content to express our unequivocal support and reassurance to the Kashmiri people that entire Pakistan stands with them resolutely, come what may. We will not be deterred until the Kashmiris get their right to self-determination as promised by the UN in its Security Council's resolutions. We will use every platform, every stage, and every opportunity to highlight the struggle for freedom in Kashmir, and we will not rest until our Kashmiri brethren and sisters get independence from India's fascist rule.

Do everything possible to end the draconian siege in Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, which started on August 5, 2019, and has created a grave humanitarian crisis. It saddens and breaks our hearts to say that the vicious siege is taking a heavy toll on Kashmiri infants, children, and terminally ill people. But what worries us most is the silence and neglect of the international community that came together in a matter of minutes to rebuild the fire-damaged Notre Dame Cathedral but is ignoring the consistently burning blaze for the past 72 years in Occupied Kashmir. Given the Indian track record of brutalities against Kashmiris, what will surface when the siege is eventually lifted is anybody’s guess. The world will learn about more mass graves, massacres, violation of women's dignity and chastity, tales of torture, illegal possession of Kashmiris' properties, and change in demography. Similar human rights abuses in Occupied Kashmir have already been documented by the International People's Tribunal and Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons, Amnesty International, UN Commissioner for Human Rights, and Geneva, Human Rights Watch in their respective reports.


Open new doors of economic activities for the people in Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, so they can live their lives with their heads held high. The global pandemic has already severely affected businesses and economic activity globally, but Kashmiris have the worst of it. Not only are their properties being taken away from them forcefully, but many Kashmiris have also been forced out of their homes and businesses to make way for a pre-planned, deceptive, and heinous demographic change. Besides economic activities, Kashmiris are deprived of education and healthcare facilities, resulting in more deaths, unnecessary medical complications, and sorrows.

We will seek out, identify, develop, co-operate, and collaborate with local and international organizations with similar aims and with individuals whose conscience is burdened by the plight of the Kashmiris. In this regard, we will establish our offices in various countries, including the US, the UK, Europe, the Middle East, and reach out to the United Nations, the Commonwealth, the European Union, the OIC, and other international human rights organizations, and remind them that all lives matter, even Muslim and Kashmiri.


Not rest until the issue of Kashmir is discussed in parliaments and senates across the globe. We will continue to raise serious concerns over the gross human rights violations by Indian forces and will not stop our call for an immediate end to siege and communication blackout in Kashmir. The human rights abuses in Kashmir are not India's internal matter and ignoring it no longer tenable. The human rights situation in Kashmir calls for immediate and meaningful intervention by the international community. As a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) operating on a no-profit basis, we know our resources are limited, and we are fighting a battle against a regime that doesn’t value human rights. However, our source of inspiration is the iron will and steadfastness of our brothers and sisters in Kashmir, who have been fighting for their rights with extreme determination, even at the cost of their own and their family’s life.

Highlight and expose the Hindutva ideology and the grave implications for Kashmir in particular and the region in general. The emergence of the fascist ideology under the Modi Government poses severe threats to the Kashmiri population, and Genocide Watch has already issued Genocide Alert for Kashmir. The rise of Hindutva under the BJP government is tearing Kashmir apart, and the situation is worsening with every passing day. The Indian government is subjecting the Kashmiri people to collective punishment by imposing un-ending curfew and communication blockade. The draconian laws and impunity enjoyed by the Indian troops in Occupied Kashmir make matters even worse for peace to prevail in the region.


Urge the governments across the world to make a strong statement supporting the rights of the Kashmiri people. We call upon the UN to appoint a UN Special Envoy to work with India and Pakistan for a durable resolution of the dispute. Immediate and decisive action is needed to end the humanitarian crisis in Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. The superpowers of the world should use their political influence and diplomatic skills for a peaceful resolution of the dispute. The UN's failure to act now is a failure of the entire civilized world, and the credibility of the UN is at stake.

How You can Help

Reach out to us for more information or to get involved with the World Kashmir Forum. We welcome your inquiries and look forward to working together for a better future for Kashmir.

World Kashmir Forum

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