World Kashmir Forum


Petition opposing inhuman curfew, Protection against worst physical & psychological torture, degrading treatment and to assess Human Rights situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK)

Sign-Up Petition

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This Petition seeks and requires of the Republic of India to abide by the UNSC resolutions, by holding a plebiscite in Kashmir. The UNSC Resolution of 21 April 1948--one of the principal UN resolutions, pending til date, on Kashmir—stated that “both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”. The dispute of Kashmir started after the departure of British rule from the region and leaving the state of Kashmir to decide its own fate. The Maharaja of Kashmir decided against people's wishes,to merge with India. People's demand is a plebiscite to decide their own fate, which India has and continues to deny. There are over 500,000 thousand Indian armed forces besides police and other security personnel to keep a tight control and coerce the innocent Kashmiris in the region by sheer force and might. 100,000+ dead over 7 decades, 3 wars between 2 nuclear-armed states, and countless human rights violations- Kashmir continues to be the heavily occupied and the most militarized region of the world. With the recent spikes in the region, with China and between India and Pakistan breach of peace in the regionis imminent.

Rape, mass murders and fear of the Indian Occupational Forces haunt every innocent Kashmirisliving there. The only thing they ask for is the right of self-determination through plebiscite and freedom from oppression. India has used the controversial ‘Instrument of Accession’ for the purposes of gaining supremacy with a view to refute the UNSC resolutions and gloss the continuing atrocities in the Indian occupied Kashmir. India refuses to abide by the Resolution 48, being the oldest of the UNSC resolutions, implementation of which is still awaited.

To deny the right to choose through plebiscite, sovereignty to millions of people of Kashmir is a travesty of justice. It violates the letter and the intent of the UN Charter. By refusing to implement the UN Security Council resolutions, India Violates its international obligations. These resolutions demand cessation of military actions, demilitarization and allowing the people of Kashmir to decide their future through an unfettered plebiscite under UN supervision.

The peace of the region is at stake, especially in the present situation where the world faces COVID-19. Unfortunately, the government of India is using COVID-19 to further crush the Kashmiris right of self-determination. UNSC Resolution 47 (1948) was passed with a view to avoid war and to restore peace and order in the region. The OIC has endorsed the said Resolution through its 1988 Convention of combating international terrorism. Article 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention forbids the occupation force to travel or deport any part of its population into the occupied territory, for any reason whatsoever. It is incumbent on United Nations (UNSCP-5) and the OIC to unambiguously uphold the International Law (UNSCP-5) Resolution on Kashmir and more decisively to forestall all Indian attempts to deny the Kashmiris of their right of self-determination and further restrain the Indian Government from violation of the various human right conventions perpetrated against the Kashmiris and further to restrain the Indian Government to refrain in their unlawful designs throughdemographic engineering in the Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir, which has to be forestalled. It is patently inhumane.

The petition calls the United Nations, the OIC, the Commonwealth, the EU, the US, the UK, China and Russia, as interested world powers and parties in the Kashmir issue, and all the member countries of the United Nations, to play their cardinal role in resolving this serious issue by pressurizing the Government of India and stop them from persecuting the Kashmiris of the State of Kashmir, and to hold a plebiscite under the United Nations so that the Kashmiris are able to determine their fate according to Resolution 47 of 1948.

%%your signature%%

I, the undersigned Citizen of Pakistan, fully support this petition, therefore, I petition the Secretary General of United Nations to take the immediate necessary actions in this regard.
2 signatures = 0% of goal
Physical Signatures

World Kashmir Forum started this petition to

This Petition seeks and requires of the Republic of India to abide by the UNSC resolutions, by holding a plebiscite in Kashmir. The UNSC Resolution of 21 April 1948--one of the principal UN resolutions, pending til date, on Kashmir—stated that “both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”. The dispute of Kashmir started after the departure of British rule from the region and leaving the state of Kashmir to decide its own fate. The Maharaja of Kashmir decided against people's wishes,to merge with India. People's demand is a plebiscite to decide their own fate, which India has and continues to deny. There are over 500,000 thousand Indian armed forces besides police and other security personnel to keep a tight control and coerce the innocent Kashmiris in the region by sheer force and might. 100,000+ dead over 7 decades, 3 wars between 2 nuclear-armed states, and countless human rights violations- Kashmir continues to be the heavily occupied and the most militarized region of the world. With the recent spikes in the region, with China and between India and Pakistan breach of peace in the regionis imminent.

Rape, mass murders and fear of the Indian Occupational Forces haunt every innocent Kashmirisliving there. The only thing they ask for is the right of self-determination through plebiscite and freedom from oppression. India has used the controversial ‘Instrument of Accession’ for the purposes of gaining supremacy with a view to refute the UNSC resolutions and gloss the continuing atrocities in the Indian occupied Kashmir. India refuses to abide by the Resolution 48, being the oldest of the UNSC resolutions, implementation of which is still awaited.

To deny the right to choose through plebiscite, sovereignty to millions of people of Kashmir is a travesty of justice. It violates the letter and the intent of the UN Charter. By refusing to implement the UN Security Council resolutions, India Violates its international obligations. These resolutions demand cessation of military actions, demilitarization and allowing the people of Kashmir to decide their future through an unfettered plebiscite under UN supervision.

The peace of the region is at stake, especially in the present situation where the world faces COVID-19.  Unfortunately, the government of India is using COVID-19 to further crush the Kashmiris right of self-determination. UNSC Resolution 47 (1948) was passed with a view to avoid war and to restore peace and order in the region. The OIC has endorsed the said Resolution through its 1988 Convention of combating international terrorism. Article 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention forbids the occupation force to travel or deport any part of its population into the occupied territory, for any reason whatsoever.  It is incumbent on United Nations (UNSCP-5) and the OIC to unambiguously uphold the International Law  (UNSCP-5) Resolution on Kashmir and more decisively to forestall all Indian attempts to deny the Kashmiris of their right of self-determination and further restrain the Indian Government from violation of the various human right conventions perpetrated against the Kashmiris and further to restrain the Indian Government to refrain in their unlawful designs throughdemographic engineering in the Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir, which has to be forestalled.  It is patently inhumane.

The petition calls the United Nations, the OIC, the Commonwealth, the EU, the US, the UK, China and Russia, as interested world powers and parties in the Kashmir issue, and all the member countries of the United Nations, to play their cardinal role in resolving this serious issue by pressurizing the Government of India and stop them from persecuting the Kashmiris of the State of Kashmir, and to hold a plebiscite under the United Nations so that the Kashmiris are able to determine their fate according to Resolution 47 of 1948.

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